Answer to Practice Interview Questions

 Here are the answers to my interview questions, answered by Jakira.

1. Where do you see yourself in 4 years? I see myself graduating form college with my bachelors degree and possibly going into graduate school.

2. How do you balance school and your social life? Well, I also have a job that I have a leading position in, so I try to either get my work done when I get it, or I find another time in a different class where I can work on assignments. My social life is good as I have a good group of friends and work friends that I also go to school with, but sometimes I miss out on going out because I have work.

3. If you had to be the superintendent for one day, what would you do? I would add the half days back to the schooling calendar.

4. What are some of your favorite places to shop? Shein, Forever 21,

5. How often do you shop? I shop often for photo cards of kpop artists but for actual clothes not as much.

6. What is something that gets you through the day? Listening to my favorite music

7. What is something that makes your day hard? Going to sleep late, to waking up early with an exam in my first block.

8. What are some of your pet peeves? Chewing, being too talkative, joking about someones insecurities, scratching a chalk board

9. How do you feel about the dress code restrictions on females compared to males?

10. What is your favorite movie that relates to life? The Hate You Give

11. What is your favorite subject in school? Math

12. Would you chose invisibility or super speed and why? Super speed because Miami traffic is terrible and I wouldn't have to spend money on high gas prices anymore.

13. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? A while because I'm not a morning person, especially if I had to close the store the night before.

14. Do you usually eat breakfast? No, not really

15. What do you as an escape from the world? Music, humming, and sleep

16. Do you easily get distracted? Sometimes

17. What is your favorite color? Sage green and brown

18. Do you use skin care products? If so which ones? Yes, Cetaphil, Curology, and PanOxyl

19. Do you have to use sunscreen daily? Definitely

20. When was the last time your were close to giving up? Right before COVID-19 hit


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