CCR Question #3: How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
Name: Jahzara Spence
Candidate Number: 0337
Centre Number: US154
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
I would say my production skills heavily grew from the beginning of the course to the end. As I have learned a lot and became aware of many things. For example, I did not know there were so many different compositions to taking a photo. As well as rules to writing a feature story, like writing a feature story should be in the third person and the your first paragraph should be able to hook the reader on. With such information I was able to adapt and grow better qualities as a student to which I can put forth towards bettering the outcome of my project.
In the beginning of the course, I was very clueless. I did not know anything about the course or any knowledge at that. I started of with doing preliminary tasks and was lectured on photo compositions and angles. Additionally, I was introduced to how proper lighting and house styles were supposed to be.
Throughout the year, along with research, I've practiced and been critiqued on my project. Rapidly acquiring knowledge to better myself and my production. For example, I did not have any clue to what a proper cover page was supposed to consist of. Nor did I have any clue to what appealing color combinations would be. I think after the preliminary tasks, where I had to draft a magazine, is when I started to understand how to go about producing and writing for this project. Researching different magazines and comparing them to my drafted one made me aware of errors that I made and thing that I did not include such as a simple barcode. All in all, I feel that I have definitely leveled up my production skills over the span of this course.
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